Reach Out

Chandni Asnani
2 min readJun 5, 2021


I don’t know what this is, maybe just an open letter or maybe something that is always going to be in my google docs unfinished. The times are tough and the going is getting harder by the second for almost every human breathing right now. Billions of people means billions of types of reactions to adversities. Everybody who feels it succumbs to it, some choose to do it in a second, some choose to simmer it until it’s burnt and leaves its mark all over their existence. I am going to state an unpopular opinion and say that no one has the right to look down on the other. Do you know the human body is built to survive, to do things unimaginable in a crisis in order to make its tenants survive. If you don’t believe me, I’d say fuck off but I understand that this is your defense mechanism to something so tempting and you don’t even want to think about empathising a little bit with suicide in order to protect youself so I am gonna say go research. So, yeah, the human body, survival instinct, kicks in at times of crisis and almost always pulls one through. Now, imagine fighting that, having the courage and being so troubled by what goes in your head that you fight and win against that kind of involuntary instinct. I am not romaticising suicide, this is what this is. This is to tell you to stop dehumanising people and their suffering. You don’t know what it takes because you’re still alive and breathing. And for everybody who is considering it, I promise you that it will take half the courage to reach out than it will take to go through. You might feel it’s cruel or perhaps not fair but it is what it is. You have to reach out, I am sorry. No matter how much the other reaches out to you, you have to reach out too. No matter how hard your partner, your parents, your friends, your children, your therapist try to help you, you have to help yourselves too. I am sorry that the world made you believe otherwise, I am sorry that you were conditioned to believe that you find people to save you and all will be well, I am sorry you were not told and taught how to help yourself, I am sorry this world pushed the idea of your other half onto you, I am sorry they made you love yourself less, I am sorry they undermined your importance just for the sake of the false identity of a society, I am sorry they told you, you couldn’t reach out for help. But if you’re reading this, please cry out for help, contrary to the popular belief, it will not make you smaller or lesser. If somebody says it will, don’t go to them, look someplace else. No matter how much of a misanthrope the world has made you, there is hope. You can find people, a friend, a guide, a therapist, a mentor who will help you so you can go save yourselves.

